Today, I was intending to cycle from Edinburgh to Berwick-upon-Tweed and back. Unfortunately on leaving the lights a Regent Road to head down on to London road, my gears started making a grinding noise. Gears 5-8 all made a horrible noise. Luckily I still had gears 1-4, though unfortunately I had a top speed of… Continue reading Cycling: Bike Repairs
Author: smsm1986
Petition to get Apple to support OpenDocument in iWork
Filip Molcan has just pointed out a new petition to get Apple to support the ISO standard 26300, otherwise known as OpenDocument in iWork 08. iWork 08 already supports the Open Office XML (OOXML) document format, which isn’t yet an ISO standard. Wasn’t Apple meant to be a supporter of open standards?
Cycling: Edinburgh and Galashiels circle
Yesterday I took a cycle south on the National Cycle Network route 1. I headed out on the Lasswade Road, towards Bonnyrigg, where I joined the NCN1. It was quite a nice day, with some awesome views in parts of the route. From 20070804osmcy… One of the great things about being on a push bike,… Continue reading Cycling: Edinburgh and Galashiels circle
Cycling: Edinburgh Critical Mass: July 2007
On Friday I went along to the monthly Critical Mass again. I managed to arrive just in time this month for them setting off from the foot of the Mound at 6pm. This month seems to have been busier that the previous two months. There was about 44-55 people on their bikes there. This month… Continue reading Cycling: Edinburgh Critical Mass: July 2007
Cycling: Glasgow to Edinburgh
On Thursday evening, I took the train over to Glasgow for the Scotlug meeting. There was an interesting presentation about phidgets. Afterwards I went along with the other geeks to the pub to grab something to eat and have a natter. I’ve even now seen an iPhone (not just in pictures), though not yet had a… Continue reading Cycling: Glasgow to Edinburgh
Can launch PPC apps again
Since installing the Quicktime 7.2 and iTunes 7.3.1 updates on my MacBook, I’ve been unable to launch PPC applications through Rosetta. It appears that having Java 6 installed has caused the prebinding process to crash. Following the process documented in a comment by Darlene on a blog, I’ve been able to launch PPC applications through… Continue reading Can launch PPC apps again
Blogger Labels Cloud
I’ve been wondering for a while now, how to change my long list of labels in the sidebar to a cloud, which would take up a lot less space. I’ve finally found out how to have a label cloud in blogger.
Picasa Web Albums now supports GeoTagging
Picasa Web Albums has now caught up with Flickr and started to properly support GeoTagging of Photos. I have however found a bug in the iPhoto uploader plugin. Basically if you have used a GPS track to Geo tag your photos, if you compress the photos on upload, then you will lose those Geo Tags.… Continue reading Picasa Web Albums now supports GeoTagging
Some people thought that I done a lot of cycling?
Many people have commented on the various day cycling trips that I’ve taken. However yesterday when shopping, I found someone who has been doing a lot more cycling than myself. He took the train from Cambridge up to Inverness. Then he started cycling and camping rough. That was two months ago. He was taking everything… Continue reading Some people thought that I done a lot of cycling? Aqua 2nd Preview Released
The second Aqua Preview is now available for download. There are a number of new features and bug fixes in this release. There is one major known regression, that will be fixed in a future development build. This time we have not hacked the source to include the Mac OS X native file picker.… Continue reading Aqua 2nd Preview Released