I’ve been pointed an interesting article title “A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection“. It shows many of the weaknesses of the copy protection in Windows Vista, right through to the additional costs to the rest of the computer industry. Why does it not just affect Windows Vista machines, but every new computer out… Continue reading What is the point of copy protection?
Month: December 2006
My First CWS
I have now created my first CWS (Child Workspace) macosxdmgapplink. It only affect the Mac packaging. It is basically the patches that I created earlier at the Mac Port Meeting in Hamburg. I have updated the DS_Store file for OpenOffice.org 2.2. The extra functionality that you will get with this new CWS is an updated… Continue reading My First CWS
Record Number of Locales Passed QA for OpenOffice.org 2.1 on the Mac
At this writing there are currently 3 locales passed QA and available to download, for OpenOffice.org 2.1 Mac OS X Intel and 5 for the PPC Macs. That gives a total of 6 unique locales that have been passed QA on both the PPC and Intel Mac platforms for OpenOffice.org 2.1. This is a record.… Continue reading Record Number of Locales Passed QA for OpenOffice.org 2.1 on the Mac
Change your Mac OS X password from the Command Line
Use the commandpasswdto change your password from the command line under Mac OS X.
Cycling from Sighthill to Linlithgow
Yesterday I took a cycle along the union canal. I set out, without deciding exactly where I would turn back. The sun had already set, so it pretty dark going along most of the canal.It’s starting to get colder as the puddles on the tow path were starting to freeze in a few places.By the… Continue reading Cycling from Sighthill to Linlithgow
2nd Mac Porters Meeting
I made the whirlwind trip to Hamburg for the 2nd Mac Porters Meeting at the Google offices there. I seem to have survived my first flying trip (in both senses). It was great to meet the porters in person again or for the first time. I really liked the Eurostar on my Lyon trip, far… Continue reading 2nd Mac Porters Meeting