On the afternoon of Friday 2nd March I was at the UCL mapping party for the MSc students on a development planning course. In a similar style to Andy Allan on various previous occasions, I found it pretty interesting to see the various issues that the students came across when starting to use OpenStreetMap data… Continue reading OpenStreetMap UCL mapping party
Category: Software
WordPress London Meetup – 17 November 2011
On Thursday 17th there was the November WordPress London meetup in the Headshift | Dachis Group offices. I recorded the 3 presentations and have uploaded them to YouTube: WordPress News by Chris Adams Chris gave a roundup of the latest changes and releases in the WordPress community. [Updated video with typo in title fixed.] WordPress Site Structure for… Continue reading WordPress London Meetup – 17 November 2011
London WordPress Meetup – 28th July 2011
On Thursday there was the July 2011 London WordPress meetup in the Headshift | Dachis Group offices. I recorded the presentations and have uploaded them to YouTube: Ice-breakers & Introductions Introduction to WordPress by Emily Webber Beginner Theme Development by Keith Devon Looking Under the Hood of WordPress by Chris Adams If you’d like to come… Continue reading London WordPress Meetup – 28th July 2011
OpenStreetMap Shortlinks
Shortlinks were introduced to OpenStreetMap at the end of June 2009, by Matt Amos, as a way to have a short url to get to a specific point on the map. It is a method to go from the code to a latitude, longitude and zoom. It also works in the reverse direction too. You… Continue reading OpenStreetMap Shortlinks
Installing ImageMagick on Snow Leopard (64-bit)
This blog post is only relevant if you are on Snow Leopard, have a 64-bit Intel Mac, and need to install ImageMagick. There are many Ruby on Rails projects out there that have some form image manipulation, thus use ImageMagick for that. Up until recently it was a real pain to install, with some huge… Continue reading Installing ImageMagick on Snow Leopard (64-bit)
Last weekend I was at Mashed08. I stayed there overnight, so didn’t get much sleep. Didn’t do any mashing up, though I did finally start writing a bit of ruby code to take a file with a list of street names, and ask the OSMXAPI whether that street exists within a specified bounding box. It… Continue reading Mashed08
From the 10th to 13th April I was in Prague, Czech Republic for GoOOCon, an OpenOffice.org conference hosted by Novell. I done a presentation about the Buildbot system in OpenOffice.org. I didn’t have time to prepare new slides, due to my move to London, so I just recycled my slides from ooocon2007. It was nice… Continue reading GoOOCon2008
Device Removal
I don’t touch anything, and my slow first generation MacBook will randomly come up with the above message. Maybe an uptime of 13 days is the cause? It is about time I rebooted into Kubuntu to get some updated maps on to my phone for TMJ. There has some considerable improvements in the maps in… Continue reading Device Removal
OOO: Possible fix for the command timed out error on Leopard
UPDATE:Thanks to Eric Bachard, a fix very similar to this will be appearing in OpenOffice.org 2.4.2 due to be released at the end of October 2008. — With a change in the way that X11 works on Leopard, the X11 version of OpenOffice.org has been giving an error message on startup saying “command timed out”.… Continue reading OOO: Possible fix for the command timed out error on Leopard
OpenOffice.org 2.4 on Mac OS X [Update: now available]
The release of OpenOffice.org 2.4 (X11 version) is a little behind the other platforms due to a lack of resources in the QA process, as many of the resources have been placed on the upcoming aqua version. It will be another few days to week before they are available on the mirrors and the Mac… Continue reading OpenOffice.org 2.4 on Mac OS X [Update: now available]