Updated Mac Website plan

Please look at slides 11 – 13, as these contain all the changes. Primarily, I have added what I think should be in the user and developer sections of the mac porting web site. http://smsm1.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ooo/MacPortingWebSite.pdfhttp://smsm1.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ooo/MacPortingWebSite.odp To see the current draft please look at http://porting.openoffice.org/mac/testing/index.html

Google Labs

It would appear from the Google Labs that Google SMS (UK) has graduated from the labs. It used to work. But doesn’t any more! All you get now is a message which says “Google SMS is currently not available in the UK. The service is still in beta, and we’re working hard to make it… Continue reading Google Labs

Categorised as Google

Dell 4 million battery recall

It would appear that Dell is getting a lot of publicity about the 4 million laptop batteries that are being recalled. OK I’m not going to say that Apple is perfect, though it would appear that it took Dell quite some time to acknowledge the issue. Well over a year!