Last weekend I was at Mashed08. I stayed there overnight, so didn’t get much sleep.
Didn’t do any mashing up, though I did finally start writing a bit of ruby code to take a file with a list of street names, and ask the OSMXAPI whether that street exists within a specified bounding box.
It was interesting to see what people were doing. There was very few people doing anything with maps. There were a few groups who using high resolution satellite imagery rather than plain old maps. A lot of people were working on something that was tv or audio related, such as ripping the subtitles and translating them into another language in almost real time. Twitter seems to be rather popular.
The event was featured in this week’s BBC News Click programme. (BBC iPlayer only works in the UK and programmes are only available for one week.)
I’m uploading the better photos to Flicker with the Mashed08 tag.
When your at a station waiting on a delayed train, just get some bean bags out to sit on:
(Kinda ideal for getting passers by ask were the bean bag sale is).